REVEALED! 7 Quality fitness trackers you should be looking out for plus what each one does. This alone can save you countless hours of research and frustration.
Discover 5 things to look for in a fitness tracker... without these metrics you could be wasting a lot of time and energy tracking the wrong numbers!
How to calculate your ‘BMR’ and ‘AMR’ using a simple mathematical formula. Use this to know how well you're progressing even without a fitness tracker!
The truth about the FAT BURNING ZONE. Does the 70-75% MHR still apply or should you be aiming for 90%? Read this section to get the full picture so you know how to get the best from your workouts.
7 simple ways to reduce your calorie intake and increase your energy expenditure without resorting to drastic uncessary and unrealistic changes in your lifestyle.
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